Simple Low Cost Technology Used to Evaluate Field and Vegetable Crops for Salinity Tolerance


  • R. K. Maiti Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Facultad de CienciasForestales, Carr. Nac. No. 85 Km. 45, Linares, Nuevo Leon (67 700), Mexico
  • H. Gonzalez Rodriguez Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Facultad de CienciasForestales, Carr. Nac. No. 85 Km. 45, Linares, Nuevo Leon (67 700), Mexico


Increasing global warming associated with salinity, drought and other abiotic stresses affect crop production drastically. With respect to salinity, 2/3rd of the world arable land is affected by soil salinity. This urges the necessity to select and breed crop cultivars for salinity tolerance which might have great potential in increasing crop production in saline soils.We did not attempt to study the mechanism of salt tolerance in crops which have been well documented. In order to increase crop productivity under saline soil and under drought condition, we adopt a new strategy to screen a set of crop cultivars of each crop species with good agronomic back ground (in place of germplasm or genetic resources) and finally select particular crop cultivars with good agronomic background. In this endavoura semi-hydroponic simple and cheap technique using coco-peat in plastic glasses and NaCl concentration has been developed...


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How to Cite

Maiti RK, Rodriguez HG. Simple Low Cost Technology Used to Evaluate Field and Vegetable Crops for Salinity Tolerance. IJBSM [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 7];7(Aug, 4):i. Available from:


