Plagiarism Check

Trust and integrity are the content that readers must value the most in scholarly peer-reviewed journal content. IJBSM takes the issue of plagiarism very seriously. Author must submit plagiarism report while new submission. Reviewer randomly check its plagiarism status through its designated platforms.

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) defines plagiarism as:

“When somebody presents the work of others (data, words or theories) as if they were his/her own and without proper acknowledgment.”

 Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

For our journals, this applies to data, images, words or ideas taken from any materials in electronic or print formats without sufficient attribution. This can include: Abstracts, Seminar presentations, Laboratory reports, Thesis or dissertation, Research proposals, Computer programs, Online posts, Grey literature, Unpublished or published manuscripts.

The use of any such material either directly or indirectly should be properly acknowledged in all instances. You should always cite your source (please see the section ‘How to avoid plagiarism’ below).

Why does detection of plagiarism matter?

When plagiarism is identified, or if an author is prepared to mislead reviewer, journal takes it seriously to put an check. Authors should be properly credited for their work if that work is being re-used in another’s article. This is in accordance with international copyright laws and ethical conduct guidelines.

Duplicity in publication of original research is particularly prevalent and damaging (especially in the medical and health subject areas) since it can contribute to the distortion of the available evidence in academic literature.

In addition to the direct copying of text, with or without paraphrasing, from a single source without proper acknowledgement, the common types of plagiarism are:

Mosaic plagiarism (patchwork plagiarism)

The term is used when text is lifted from a few different sources (which may include your own previous work) and put into your manuscript to create the impression of new text.

This includes rewording pieces of sourced material while keeping the structure/syntax of the original texts.

Self-plagiarism/ text-recycling

This is the reuse of your own work (e.g., text, data, and images), including text translated from another language, usually without proper citation. Two forms of self-plagiarism include:

  • Redundant/ duplicate publication:is the publication of what is essentially the same paper in more than one journal, but without indication that the paper has been previously published elsewhere.
  • Salami slicing (salami publication):is the segmentation of a large study which should have been reported in a single paper into smaller published studies.

Other types of plagiarism where all have in common is that there is a lack of transparency to the original source of the material which has been used in the manuscript.