Instructions for Authors
Preparation of Manuscripts
A manuscript to be submitted for journal should be compiled in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main body text (without any heading) focussing on introduction, methodology (if any), findings, conclusion; funding details (if any), acknowledgments (if any); conflict of Interest; references. Table(s) and figures on individual pages at the end of the text. Author must confirm Data Availability Statement in case of research article only.
A general statement is given below-…
Legal restrictions are imposed on the public sharing of raw data. However, authors have full right to transfer or share the data in raw form upon request subject to either meeting the conditions of the original consents and the original research study. Further, access of data needs to meet whether the user complies with the ethical and legal obligations as data controllers to allow for secondary use of the data outside of the original study.
Categories of Manuscripts
Popular articles: Should focus on the relevant topic of interest in the field of biological sciences. The manuscript must be restricted up to 3000 words. The content should contain photos/ figures/graphs not exceeding five with appropriate illustrations with references.
Success stories: Author should depict the story in sequence of events with adequate technical supports. The key steps in writing should follow- Step 1: Selecting a Positive Project Impact (the story topic). Step 2: Obtaining the Descriptive Details of the Impact. Step 3: Key Questions for the Group Impacted. Step 4: Drafting the Anecdotal Story of One that Represents the Project Impact to many stakeholders. Step 5: Collect Captivating Photos to Represent the Story. The manuscript must be restricted up to 2000 words.
Scientific correspondence: It must be restricted not more than 1500 words that aims to give information on scientific interventions. The manuscript must focus on the background of the study, salient features of the scientific correspondence, impact and future perspectives.
News report: News report covers important outcome of any research study, social intervention, achievement for the scientific interest in general. Words limit up to 1500. The manuscript must also focus on the background of the study, salient feature, impact and future perspectives.
Opinion articles Views/ opinions in the field of scientific contribution/ investigation, word limit up to 1500 words. This briefly bring about the comments/ arguments either on the topic or comments on the previous columnists. Such manuscript must include background and possible impacts.
I. Manuscripts should be written in English; spelling and grammar must be checked well. Author may get help using Microsoft Office Tools. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by an English-speaking colleague prior to submission. Author must ensure that manuscript has not been submitted in any other journal.
II. Manuscripts should be type written in 12 size Times New Roman font with normal margins (1’’ at top, bottom, left and right) and line spacing of 1.5 throughout including for the text but single line spacing for tables and graphs with proper labelling and references. Scientific name, and local name which are absent in oxford dictionary should be represented as italics to emphasize it.
III. ‘Per’ (/) in text or table to be typed as superscript, e.g. yield/plant must be yield plant-1, kg/ha as kg ha-1
IV. ‘Per cent’ or ‘percentage’ in the text and table to be corrected as ‘%’.
V. ‘et al.’, ‘viz.’ should be presented as normal text, NOT in italics
VI. Manuscripts should be organized in the following order:
Style of writing references in the text
Peng et al. (2003) found that rice grain yield declined by 10% for each 10C increase in growing-season minimum temperature.
Global warming has become a big concern in the world and it has been continuously increasing in recent decades due to the greenhouse effect (Crowley, 2000).
The optimum temperature for the normal development of rice ranges from 27 °C to 32 °C (Yin et al., 1996).
Title should be clear, descriptive, not too long typed in bold letter in upper-lower case not exceeding 20 words. Use subjective statement only, e.g. Drought Tolerant Genotypes- a Hope for Cotton Growers.
Title will be followed by name(s) of author(s) which will be followed by complete address of affiliation with PIN/ZIP, without designation, superscripted with numerical, e.g. Y. S. Shivay1, H. G. Rodriguez2, and A. V. Ramanjaneyulu3 followed by 1-3 address of affiliation. All authors of a manuscript should include their full name and affiliation on the cover page of the manuscript. Where available, please also include ORCiDs and social media handles (Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn).
All these to be arranged in central alignment (including title) which will be followed by e-mail ID of corresponding author in left alignment indicated with an asterisk (*), e.g. Y. S. Shivay1, H. G. Rodriguez2, and N. C. Sarkar3*
Address (es) of author(s), if applicable, should be given just below the author(s)’ name (names) as below-
1 Division of Agronomy, ICAR–Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (110 012), India
E-mail ID will be followed by Abstract which will be followed by Keywords (indexing terms) maximum up to 8 words in increasing alphabetical order, first letter of first word will be capital and rest all words in lower case only,
e.g. Keywords: Genetic variability, high yielding variety, pest resistance (without a full stop at the end); within 8 words in alphabetical order.
Abstract should be stated clearly highlighting the description of the study/ content within 140-150 words. No abbreviations should be used (for example; weedy check (W1), Weed free (W2) and so on.
1. Main text: Must give the outline why the study was made. It must contain adequate references to support the statements, if necessary. We encourage author to write elaborately in case of new methodology or thoughts. Outcome and arguments should be strengthened. Figure/bar diagram/artwork should be given in jpeg/ tiff/ png format in separate attachments. All graphs or diagrams should have clarity to represent the values and should be well explained. Avoid shading for better quality visibility. Lines or bars of black and white will be preferred. Conclusion should be precise, focused to the objective (within 80 words). Author may suggest future course of action/ research. Acknowledgements must include any additional information concerning research grants, etc. Not merely to the head of the institution, where he belongs. The authors have declared no conflict of interests exist.
2. References:
Author should strictly follow the journal style. All publications (except general type) cited in the text should be presented in a list of references at the end of the manuscript. List of references should be arranged alphabetically by authors’ names, and chronologically per author. In case of an author having more than one paper in a same year, it should be stated in following orders, e.g. 1995a, 1995b, and so on.
References: maximum 10 in number. If ref is available online, use link only for research article/ review/ scientific correspondence.
Authors are requested to take necessary permission while using copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web).
Use the following system for correct citation of references. Note the proper position of the punctuation:
Schlecht, E., Buerkert, A., Tielkes, E., Bationo, A., 2006. A critical analysis of challenges and opportunities for soil fertility restoration in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76(2-3), 109-136.
Schermerhorn, T., 2005. Has at-home glucose monitoring for management of diabetic dogs and cats come of age? Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery 18(2), 1-3.
Maiti, R.K., Kumari, A., Thakur, A.K., Sarkar, N.C. 2016. Bioresource and Stress Management. Springer Nature. ISBN 978-981-10-0994-5. ISBN 978-981-10-0995-2 (eBook). DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0995-2.
Dawn E. Christenson, 2008. Veterinary Medical Terminology (2nd Edn.). W.B. Saunders Company, 408.
Book chapter
Shivay, Y.S. and Mandi, S. 2020. Advances in understanding iron cycling in soils, uptake/use by plants and ways of optimising iron-use efficiency in crop production. (In) Rengel, Z. (Ed.), Achieving Sustainable Crop Nutrition. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK, 2020, (ISBN: 978 1 78676 312 9;
Linder, G., Bishop, C., Krest, S., 2010. Recent advancements in amphibian and reptile ecotoxicology. In: Sparling, D.W., Linder, G., Bishop, C.A., Krest, S. (Eds.), Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles (2nd Edn.). CRC Press, 944.
Electronic source
FAO, 2001. Global Estimate of Gaseous Emissions of NH3, NO and N2O from Agricultural Land. Rome, FAO of UN, International Fertilizer Industry Association. Available from
World Climate, 2008. Accessed in October 2008.
Authors must comply with the plagiarism strictly as per COPE guidelines. An objectionable plagiarism of a paper after being published invites proper investigation following COPE.
The authors must submit manuscripts to the Chief Editor, Chronicle on Bioresource Management (CBM) through online after valid registration. For any specific query, you can contact us at
This journal publishes articles free of processing/publication fees.
The contents of published articles in CBM are purely the ideas of authors only. These will be published based on the reviewer’s evaluations of the submitted manuscript.