Chronicle of Bioresource Management


  • Ratikanta Maiti Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Carr. Nac. No. 85 Km. 45, Linares, Nuevo Leon (67 700), Mexico
  • Debashis Mandal Dept. of Horticulture, Aromatic & Medicinal Plants, Mizoram University, Aizawl (796 004), India


Bioresource, the term is broadly linked with any resources of biological origin, whether it is wild or domesticated, whether human being or microbes; flora or fauna. Our world, with its increasing age it is continuously facing numerous changes of different origin- physical, geological, chemical, biological, ecological, social, cultural and even economical too. On broader perspective, these facets are interrelated and interdependent also. These changes not always bringing about positive outcomes, many a time these are crucial and problematic for growth, development and maintenance of bio-resources. There are certain distinctive features to be worth presented like forest cover is declining for due cause of industrialization and urbanization; however, which having marked effect not only on hydrological cycle but also on wild flora-fauna and biodiversity at large. Rapid urbanization and massive industrialization without following eco-friendly model is causing air-water-soil pollution and thus this so called development in a sense causing threat to biological habitat. Did primitiveness or lack of civilization can mitigate the problem? Our own developmental projects including industrialization, power, massive use of fossil fuel in industry, agriculture and transport is evolving as pollution giant and impacting on climate. Changing climate is putting forth the challenge of living to every biological creature in its own way at its own location.





