Global Innovations–Local Solutions for Enhancing Sustainable Aquaculture for Poverty Eradication


  • Maroti Upare The former Fisheries and Credit Expert FAO and former General Manager, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mumbai. Wide experience in fisheries including aquaculture management and governance in India and abroad i.e. Vietnam, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstanbesides India etc. Presently, working as consultant to the World Bank and FAO


Aquaculture, innovations, microfinance,poverty reduction, bio-diversity


The innovative community based tank management projects implemented by support of the World Bank in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh and Agricultural Competitiveness project in Assam and UNDP supported–aquaculture development in northern uplands of Vietnam are sustainable innovative projects for development of livelihood. The project thus directly contributed to the achievement to eradicate poverty and hunger and to promote gender equality and empower women for poverty reduction for achieving livelihood. These projects had impact including women for providing services for economic development through community participation of disadvantaged people of society. The project experiences are innovative and replicable for achieving conservation of bio-diversity, poverty alleviations and supporting sustainable livelihood.





